
In addition to "taps", you can manually record a "view" of an ad if you so wish. This can be useful to measure overall performance and work out a conversion rate.

A "view" must always be posted via the API endpoint.

Your views can be found on the dashboard, when you're logged in and work similar to viewing your tap stats.

POST a view

You can also POST a view to the API using the following details, similar to how a tap works.


Type: POST

You can directly register a view with an individual app by passing in a URL parameter id of your ad. Note that this id is the "public id".

Example: /api/view?token=yourTokenHere&id=pjc1hPP2tRnpJg

If you want to also register the view for a category group, you can add a category URL parameter. Again you have to use the "public id" of your category.

Example: /api/view?token=yourTokenHere&id=pjc1hPP2tRnpJg&category=5c3sO4cNrK2Jlg

This ensures the correct data is stored.

You'll get a View OK 👀 message response with a 200 OK code.

If a category is not found, but an ad is... then the view is registered for the individual ad. The "View OK" message will differ slightly if no category is found: View OK 👀, but no category was found!

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